Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Aaah.  Eleven whole days off, in a row, without middle schoolers spending six hours a day tap dancing on my brain. 

Monday, December 20, 2010

Raise your hand'll be getting a root canal, a root canal, on December 23, instead of baking Christmas goodies.   I cracked a tooth at lunch today, went to the dentist hoping to get a ginormous filling and instead, got an appointment for my third root canal.  Ugh.

Friday, December 17, 2010

I just found this site and I have only two words to say.



I ask you, is it wrong to  be wrapped in my fluffy bathrobe and slippers at 4:55 p.m.? TGIF.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

There's No Place Like Home...

G'morning. I'm home from work today and it feels so good to be here. :)

As the days are winding down towards Christmas, time is running out for those handmade gifts, so here I am.   I'm doing two large signs, larger than usual; they're both about 36" long.  I'm excited to get them done, and worried that they won't be exactly right!  (what else is new, though).

I went out earlier to turn the heater on in my studio...the temp inside was only 30!  It will take about two hours to get warm enough for me to work out there, so I'll have to linger over my coffees.  Oh darn. :)

And what are you doing today?

Friday, December 10, 2010

I did it.  I officially started Christmas shopping yesterday.  Impressed? Don't be.  I had a bad dream that Christmas came and went and that my entire family had nothing under the tree.  So off I went to the dreaded mall with $500 in my purse.  Today I have $10 in my purse.  Ouch.

Dear Santa...please bring me someone who will shop for me.  Thanks.  Oh, and a new car, too.  Thanks again.  Love, Me.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Should I Have Started Shopping Yet?!

Raise your hand have NOT even begun your Christmas shopping, and you hate doing it under pressure, but there are only 17 days left (16 because I'm home for the night) and NOT doing it stresses you out, but actually doing it stresses you out, too, and there are a total of  18 people on your list, not counting people you work with!!  Ugh.  Me, too.

But on a lighter note, I did get myself a pair of shoes yesterday. (I'm missing something this season, aren't I?)

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Raise your hand need to get the heck OFF the computer, into the shower, then into bed!!  G'night!