Saturday, December 3, 2011

Raise your hand STINK at keeping up on blogging and you are thisclose to getting banned from ever blogging again!  Ever!  Just me, huh?  Bummer.

We're all ok here, autumn is winding down and winter is inching closer, although we're due for 50 degree temps next week.  School is good this year, especially since I get to be with my crazy school gal pals during the day.  They keep me laughing, focused, and sane (well, sane-ish).  I've been a crafting fool for the last few weeks because my best childhood friend bullied, peer pressured, arm-wrestled, cajoled me into doing a craft fair with her.   Did that today and it was fun, and I made about $100.  Not too much, but enough that Bob is at 99 Restaurant right this moment picking up our supper.  :)

I hope everyone out in Blogland is wonderful and preparing for the holidays.  Oh yeah...I haven't even STARTED shopping yet.  How about you?  


  1. Missed you! and I for one will take your blogging whenever you can get to it. :) Glad all is well with you.

  2. You work full-time and make crafts and have a husband. I don't know how you ever blog at all! We are all just giving gifts to the kids in the family this year and I'm giving them money, so this year is super easy. The only exception is my mother. I've gotten her a watch and a calendar so far, both from Avon because my daughter is selling it.

  3. Thanks gals! I have missed the luxury of hanging out here and keeping up w/everyone's lives. Once the holidays and craft fairs are over, for awhile at least, I'm going to try and put time aside to come back. Til then, I'm so glad you're still here :-)

  4. Glad to see you today. Sounds like you are a busy one. Glad school os going well for you!
    I wished that I could say the same. CRAZY!!!!!!

    Take care and hope to see you soon.

