Friday, March 26, 2010

Maple Syrup Photos

Hi there.  Just thought I’d “show” you our maple-syrup-making, start to finish, from two weeks ago.  (So far, Bob and I haven’t received our own bottle of the sweet stuff, but our son assures us we’ll get it soon.) 

maple syrup 2

maple syrup 3

DSCN3641 Just some of the 30 gallons of sap Corey collected (that’s him pouring).

DSCN3640 That’s my 89 year old mom enjoying the day with us.

DSCN3622 Lunch on the bed of the truck, which wasn’t even attached to the truck!

DSCN3627 Our high-tech contraption. :)

DSCN3626 Hey!  How’d she sneak in there?  (our granddaughter Mackenzie)


DSCN3655 This is at around 11:30 p.m.!

DSCN3657 Just under a gallon…we made candy with the rest of it.

DSCN3652 Tired…and done.



1 comment:

  1. A process I've never seen looks interesting.
    I'm not too much for maple but that looks pretty good.

