Sunday, December 13, 2009

Raise your hand if... you ran out of lights for the Christmas tree with only about THREE FEET LEFT TO GO!!! If I didn't have an obsession about getting it "perfect", then I'd leave it til tomorrow...hi ho, hi ho, it's off to the drugstore I go.


  1. Oh no! Wouldn't you know that would be the time to run out. We have the prelit trees
    and love them.
    The big one won't be out but the tinsel one is.

    Happy decorating!


  2. My hubby does that and ours is pre lit now, I don't have patients for the lights. YOu go girl!!! I'm jealous, is that sled your with snow around it? I have one, but no snow, just some rain. LOL

  3. Yup, that's one of our 24-plus sleds (we collect them) on the back porch last winter.

    So many people I know have the pre-lit trees; I even have a friend who has a "half tree"...the back is flat so she can put it up against any wall she wants! We're still doing it the old fashioned way, for now at least. :)

    I used to do it all in one day, but now I spread the tree decorating out over a few days. I had to give myself a break!
