Friday, April 2, 2010

Raise your hand if…you have today off from work and are still in your jammies at 2:25 p.m.  (like me!)

Well, I have done two loads of laundry and hung sheets outside, cooked the hard-boiled eggs and kielbasa (I’m half Polish), typed four files for my transcription business, sat and chatted with Mom, and washed the glass shades over the bathroom lights, but still…2:25 p.m. and in my jammies??  Decadence!

The weather here is magnificent…cloudless, brilliant blue sky, 72 degrees, barely the whisper of a breeze, and the sound of birds everywhere; it’s a made-to-order day.

May you all have a peaceful, loving weekend filled with Spring blooms, birdsong, and family. 

Happy Easter to you all.


  1. Boy! Jammies at 2:25 in the afternoon! You are livining the "good life."
    We didn't have kids yesterday so we got to play "catch up" it was wonderful!!!

    Have a wonderful Easter!


  2. POST POST POST! i have nothing new to read about when you don't! :)
