Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Evening Backyard

Peace and quiet is what reigns supreme in our backyard at certain times of the day, like just before dusk.

When we first moved here to our little acre 31 years ago, there were close to 30 blueberry bushes.  This is our patch today, smaller but still healthy.  Barely any blueberries this year, though; maybe it's because of the lack of rain? Some years are just better than others.

While the blueberries are producing less berries, the grapevines are laden with grapes!  This is just one of them...maybe this will be the first year I make grape jam rather than blueberry!

Just look at this magnificent rose!  This is the second blooming of this healthy and beautiful bush.  The first time she produced 21 blooms (hi Mom and Dad); this time she's got 18 blooms! I hear tell roses are sometimes fussy to grow, but this lady is strong, hardy and magnificent.

Lastly, Grandmother Willow.  She's nearing the end of her time here as she's about half the size of when she was at her fullest.  Every so often, another limb succumbs and hits the ground with a resounding thud.  But for now, she still stands with as much majesty as she can muster.

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