Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Hi again.  I just wanted to share one more sweet picture I took earlier today.  When I got home from work, I spent a few minutes outside with my son, chatting.  When he left, I took the time to look around me and saw, really SAW, how nice the yard is looking and how much work my husband did this past weekend.  We have an acre and because we both work, the maintenance can get away from us real fast (we used to have an evil goat which took up some time and space too, but that's another story!)

DSCN1987 Anyway, my husband put this birdhouse up and it looks so inviting as I drive in.  I also love the weeping cherry blossoms.  Aaah, Spring.  

I don’t seem to take the time to appreciate these things anymore, and I wish I did.  I  need to get back in touch with “Spirit” as my friend and Reiki master says.  I wish it were that simple. 

Good night, sleep tight.


  1. I would like a small cottage that looks similar to your bird house. Dreams of Simple times!

  2. Sometimes just being out in nature can be wonderful. The smells, hearing the birds chirp, appreciating all that we have.

    Oh, I sure hope there is post about this goat that you speak of....I love those kind of stories!

    Smiles, Nancy

  3. how wonderful... im going out and taking some photos this am!

  4. I'm so glad you enjoyed the photo. It really is sweet...and I agree. How about a house that looked like this birdhouse??
