"To love someone deeply gives you strength. Being loved by someone gives you courage."
I hope you all have the same strength and courage from both loving and being loved.
Little bits of everyday life
Raise your hand if…today was the first day you went out with the hiking club you joined to get yourself out of your mid-life rut! And, being that it was a “photo walk”, raise your hand if you even remembered to take a few photos along the way. :)
Being the new kid on the block, I felt a little awkward at first, but the leader of the group was kind enough to hang out with me on this walk. We’re both from the same town so we had things we could chat about, which made it more comfortable.
Watching the other 6 or 7 walkers helped me see the group dynamics, and that in itself helped me decide to stay on the fringes for now. A few of them are welcoming; others tended to stay to themselves. That’s ok though, we’re all there for different reasons I suppose.
Well, being that it was a photo hike, I did snap a few photos, though not many. I was busy listening to the Canadian geese and imagining a small log cabin of my very own built along the shoreline. So what if it’s a reservoir! We also saw a spotted salamander, a variety of ducks and one egret swooping overhead. My first thought was, “Oh wow, if only I had my cam…”! Of course it was tucked away at that moment!
This was one of the trails that we had walked on. I’ve always heard that we should look behind us sometimes…I’m glad I did.
Here’s the path as it’s entering the woods. I just love the smells in there! We spent time walking through both woods and open areas.
This creek is from a small bridge and it makes a great reflection picture.
It was a good time, a great way to start the weekend. I hope to get myself “out there” with the group as often as I can. They have walks/hikes almost every day of the week, so I have no excuse. Well, except for the fact that I am most definitely NOT ready for any 15-mile mountain hikes, thankyouverymuch! Not yet anyway. I guess if I’m really ready to change myself, I’ll have to make that a goal. Perhaps I’ll sleep on that idea. :)
Hi there. Long time no see...:)
Well, my husband and I went on our country ride this past Sunday, up into central Vermont. I wanted to go all the way up into the Northeast Kingdom, but that would require an overnight and with no reservations anywhere, it wasn't such a good idea. Once upon a time we would have been a bit more adventurous and maybe slept in the van, but now now, it's just not comfortable enough.
Our first stop, although not very exciting, is a nice place. It's the first rest stop once you enter Vermont from Massachusetts. There's a beautiful building manned with really knowledgeable and friendly people to answer any questions you may have. I've been here before, but for some reason, I never noticed their gorgeous weathervane, perched way up on top of this massive barn-shaped structure. Isn't this cool? It took me a minute, but I finally recognized the "VT". Duuuh!
This is the first Vermont Country Store we encountered; the other is about 10 miles up the road. We meandered through this one checking out all the "old-time" stuff they carry, like old candies, old "health and beauty" products...remember "Sun In" for your hair? Or "Gee, Your Hair Smells Terrific"?!
They also carry old-time toys...sock monkeys, Slinkies, kaleidoscopes, wooden toys, etc. Vermont cheddar cheese is a big seller, as is their clothing. It's just a cool place to walk through, but way too expensive for our taste! I did buy a big bag of balsam at a store across the street that I’ll use for making balsam pillows this winter. One sniff and I’m transported into the woods. :)
The second, larger store has this mural painted on the side of the building. Isn't it wonderful?
This last photo is of a random driftwood sea serpent sculpture we saw in front of someone's house, out on a back road. You can't see them, but his "creator" had put seashells all over his back.
We finished the drive with a pretty good meal at a typical roadside diner. My father-in-law used to say that diners had the best food around; add to that the fact that the parking lot was filled with Vermont license plates, and we knew we’d found where the locals ate.
It was a good change of scenery for both of us, especially considering the year we’ve had. We’re both thinking that we need to do this more often, like we did way-back-when. Maybe next time it’ll be a night or two away. :)
PS~Remember how I said I was joining a hiking club? Well, my first hike is this coming Saturday. It’s more of a photo walk through a local reservoir area with the possibility of a short hike up to a summit, but I am so excited! Have camera, will hike. :D